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iPhone users running ios 12

iPhone users running ios 12

For those of your running iPhones as your daily driver mobile device make sure – if your device can be upgraded to the most recent operating system ios 12 – that you do so, new perks include better battery life and faster smoother processing speeds, faster open camera action for those shots you don’t want to miss, there’s a laundry list of improvements that you can find on the web but most surprising to McLean Data Solutions LLC is “Screen Time” after installing ios 12 and using your phone for a week Screen Time gives you a detailed view of not just how much time you spend staring into your phone but exactly what you’re spending your time on, you’ll be taken aback at not just the amount of time you’re using your phone but whether or not that time is productive, what apps are occupying the majority of your time? Are you being efficient and “using your phone” or is “your phone using you” ? Quite frankly you’re enticed by a myriad of needs to stare into the screen and out of necessity & recreation we all do but are we giving something away needlessly and without thinking, something they’re not making any more of, something we need treat as currency with a finite limit……TIME. Looking at the results of your screen time should make you pause and re-evaluate, we don’t know how much time we have so be wise in your usage.