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Caller ID Spoofing

Caller ID Spoofing

As of late several clients have experienced receiving calls from people who claim they received a call from them and are calling them back, the problem…said person never initiated a call to the party returning their call, this is indicative of Caller ID Spoofing wherein a nefarious party places calls and inserts a bogus caller ID number in order to appear as though the call has initiated from a local area code among other reasons. Even more concerning is a scenario in which you may receive a call that someone has placed to you and spoofed the caller ID of your bank or other financial institution that you may have stored in the address book of your phone in hopes that you will divulge sensitive information or account details. Be cautious when receiving a call asking for this type of information and to be on the safe side terminate the incoming call and start a new call directly to your desired party and verify there is a concern or need for account info, in short at this point with current technology you cannot be sure the number calling you is really the number calling you. Be vigilant about your security and personal information. Just prior to writing this a person within earshot made the comment out loud “how can I be receiving a call from myself?”……she showed me her phone and there was her name and number as the incoming caller on her own phone, the party calling wanted her to push some number on her phone to initiate securing of her account, she hung up. Be careful out there.